Jelle Marius

Jelle Marius

My name is:

Jelle Marius and I have been working at Lean Six Sigma Group since 2017 as a consultant and trainer. I live at the see and like being outside. During the weekend I regularly go running, cycling, surfing and / or playing tennis. But my girlfriend and I also like walking on the beach with our dog Sammy.

My background is:

I worked at various organizations, always in collaboration with customers. From financial services, e-commerce and IT to Lean Six Sigma consultancy. Because of my broad working experience, I can empathize well with every situation.

I love doing:

Being creative and working together with people. Because of my analytical skills and creativity, I come up with out-of-the-box solutions for the problems of our customers. I enjoy helping organizations in overcoming their challenges. That is why I love working as a Lean Six Sigma consultant.

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