Popular method of process optimisation explained

Process optimization using Lean

One of the most popular methods for improving processes is process optimisation using Lean. The biggest reason why is it happens from the centre of the organisation, namely the actual working place. Because as a matter of fact, those who do know what goes wrong: your employees. 

It sounds simple and it might even be. The difficulty would be the mindset or organisational side of the company. Because how would you involve your employees in such a way they see improvements and start solving problems? The key here is trust. Trust the organisational side, their vision and most importantly each other. 

Below, you will find a few pillars of process optimisation using Lean.

Lean is long-term

To reduce costs is not Lean’s main concern. It is a philosophy focused on the long-term. It might be seen as a way of work. A mindset, defining how an organisation should handle or take decisions. To make employees feel part of the company. 

Clear vision

Every organisation has its own goals and visions. But these do need to be clear to every single employee. Why does the company exist? And how do they satisfy their customers? It is almost an organisation’s personal mission. These goals are set on strategic, tactical and operational level. When such a vision is indeed clear to every employee, chances are they will be more motivated to achieve these goals.

Standardised processes

The philosophy Lean strives towards standardised business processes in order to deliver products of excellent quality (First Time Right) on customer’s demand (Just in Time). An improvement of quality and decreasing the amount of lead time can be done by eliminating waste. When this is done, all processes will be focused on the customer instead of other distractions.

Employees take on the central role within an organisation

Without employees, an organisation would be nowhere. When companies invest in the development of their employees, they always notice their own growth and problem solutions are dependent on them. Because who knows the organisation better than them? They know best what could still be improved. This is why organisations should most definitely involve their employees when improving continuously. 

All organisations that focus on these four points are on their way to win their employees’ trust and keep onto it. Nowadays, this might even be essential in order to survive as a company. 

Our Lean Six Sigma consultants and trainers are here for you. They can help you apply Lean Six Sigma. Please let us know what we could do for you.

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